Neighborhoods in Luling

Top 3 Neighborhoods in Luling, LA

You will find some of the top neighborhoods in Luling, LA with options like single-family homes, historic homes, vacant land, custom-built homes, and many other choices.

Luling, located in the middle of the River Parishes, is also a gateway for the region’s recreational delights: hunting, fishing, boating, and hiking through thickly green bayous and wooded lands. There are also many recreational lakes, golf courses, and neighborhood parks in the city.

Festivals are also a mainstay in the area, including the St. Charles Rotary’s annual Alligator Festival held at the West Bank Bridge Park. From the headquarters in the area, you can also organize swamp tours. Luling is close to popular shopping areas and restaurants on the West Bank, and just a short drive from New Orleans.

About Luling

Luling, a New Orleans suburb has a population totaling 14,522. Luling is located in St. Charles Parish. Many residents enjoy a rural lifestyle and most own their homes. Luling is home to many young professionals and families. Residents tend to be conservative. some of the most highly rated public schools are in Luling.

Luling is not predominantly white-collar or blue-collar. Instead, it has a mixed workforce that includes both blue-collar as well as white-collar positions. It is home to many professionals, including managers, office workers, and salespeople. Luling is home to many people who work in sales (8.23%) and management (11.2%).

The median house price in Luling, LA is $282,948, which means that Luling homes are more affordable than the US median home price of $376,286. We looked at a large sample of similar cities like Ladys Island (SC) and Andover ( NJ) and found that homes in Luling were much cheaper.

Home prices are higher than Louisiana’s average of $234,822. These are the best neighborhoods in Luling, as determined by the market. They are where most people want to live. These areas are more likely to be safe and have a better quality of life.

Best neighborhoods in Luling

Mimosa Park

Mimosa Park’s median property price is $297,626, more than 78.8% of Louisiana neighborhoods and 48.8% in the U.S.

The average Mimosa Park rental price is $1,883. This neighborhood has a higher average rental price than the other neighborhoods in Louisiana, at 93.9%.

Mimosa Park, a suburb based on population density, is located in Luling La.

Mimosa Park real estate is primarily made up of medium-sized (three or four-bedroom) to large (four, five, or more bedrooms) single-family homes and small apartment buildings. The owner occupies the majority of residential real estate. 

Many of the homes in Mimosa Park are well-established, but they don’t have much age. They were built between 1970-1999. Many residences were constructed between 2000-present.

The current vacancy rate in Mimosa Park is 1.8%. This is lower than the 88.8% average for all U.S. neighborhoods. The housing supply in Mimosa Park has been very limited compared to the property demand.

You’ll be pleased to know that many of the Mimosa park homes for rent have heated swimming pools, floor-to-ceiling windows, stunning views, central air conditioning, and multiple-car garages.


Boutte’s median property price is $322952, which is higher than the 76.7% neighborhood in Louisiana and 50.7% in the U.S.

The average rent price is $1,616. This neighborhood has a higher average rental price than 85.3% of other neighborhoods in Louisiana.

Boutte, a suburb (based on the density of population) is located in Luling Louisiana.

Boutte real estate property consists mainly of medium-sized homes (three- or four-bedroom), large homes (four, five, or more bedrooms), single-family homes, and mobile homes. The owner occupies the majority of residential real estate in Boutte. The Boutte neighborhood has many established homes that were built between 1970-99. Many residences were built between 2000-present.

Boutte has a 9.1% vacancy rate for both apartments and homes. This rate is lower than 45.1% in most neighborhoods across the country, which puts it close to the middle range of vacancies.

The cost of living is an important consideration when choosing a place to live. Boutte’s cost of living is lower than that in most other cities. 

Although some areas may be more expensive than others at the federal and state levels, overall housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, medical care, and other goods and services are lower.

Boutte can be considered a safe area to live in. It has a low crime rate, which is a good thing considering the size of other cities. There are plenty of family-friendly activities in the city. If you are a first-time homebuyer, it is good to know that Boutte is a safe place to live, work and raise your family. Boutte is a great place to call home due to its low crime rate and many family-friendly activities. 

If you’re considering moving to Boutte, rest assured that you’ll be moving to a city that is overall safe for you and your family.

Boutte is an excellent place to live. Boutte scores well for a variety of factors as well as diversity and has something for everyone. That’s why it’s one of the top neighborhoods in Luling.

Ellington / Lone Star

Ellington/Lone Star’s median real estate price is $178,555. This is higher than the 45.1% of neighborhoods in Louisiana, and 24.8% in the U.S. This neighborhood currently has a rental cost of $1,311. It has a higher average rental price than the other neighborhoods in Louisiana, at 62.2%.

Ellington / Lone Star, a suburb (based on population density), is located in Luling.

Ellington and Lone Star real estate property consists mainly of small-sized homes (three to four bedrooms) and smaller homes (studio to two bedrooms) as well as mobile homes. The owner occupies the majority of residential real estate. 

Many of the homes in Ellington / Lone Star are well-established, but they don’t have much age. They were built between 1970-1999. Many residences were built between 1969 and 1940.

Ellington / Lone Star has 5.5% real estate vacancies, which is lower than what you will find in 65.8% of American neighborhoods. The demand for real estate in Ellington/Lone Star is higher than the average U.S. neighborhood, which could indicate some demand for price increases or new construction.

There are many things that matter about a neighborhood. But the most important thing is how it looks and what its character is. One might be able to see whether buildings are all from the same time period, or if shop signs are in different languages. This top neighborhood in Luling has many outstanding features that make it stand out.


Luling continues to see new communities of country club-like homes being built. Your local Luling realtor can help you choose from options like single-family homes, historic homes, vacant land, custom-built homes, and many other choices. 

Louisiana’s tranquil climate and natural greenery have made Luling a popular choice for homebuyers.